
Ph.D. Program in Quantum Technologies

The Ph.D. Program in “Quantum Technologies” aims at promoting a novel scientific awareness based on interdisciplinary skills useful to the development of quantum devices and technologies.  Active since 2018, the Ph.D. program is led by the University of Naples Federico II in collaboration with the University of Camerino and with the National Research Council. Other prestigious Universities are planning to join the PhD Program in the near future.

Courses are held in Napoli, Firenze and Camerino on the following topics: Fundamental of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum information, Quantum optomechanics, Superconductivity, Superconducting quantum devices and Superconducting Qubits, Quantum effects in Nanoscience, Analysis, optimization and control of electromagnetic circuits and systems, Quantum networks and communications, Photonic systems for quantum communications, Atomic interferometry, Quantum simulations, Generation and characterization of quantum optical states, Quantum communication protocols.

General information about the Ph.D. Program is available at the following links:

Master Degree in Quantum Science and Engineering

The Master Degree in Quantum Science and Engineering (QS&E) aims at preparing the new generation of quantum scientists and engineers. All courses will be held in English and experimental courses will take place in top class labs available at UNINA and in international companies collaborating with UNINA and participating to the educational project.

The revolution promised by quantum technologies requires a wide scientific community with multidisciplinary skills. Training will have to ensure the functioning of the entire supply chain from basic research to the competitiveness of Italian high-tech companies, with an enhancement of people with key skills, startups capable of transferring and implementing new technologies and companies capable of integrating quantum technologies into systems and services.

More information about the Master Degree is available at the following links: